About us

Privacy policy

The Estonian Open Air Museum will process your personal data if you apply for a job with us, send us a request for information, register for an event organised by us, or order event management service from us.

We process the data of visitors to the website of the Estonian Open Air Museum, including the filling in of feedback forms, only for the purpose of compiling statistics in non-personalised form. We do not record phone calls. Nor do we save correspondence with private individuals.

When subscribing to the newsletter, we collect the following details: name, e-mail. The details are used to send a newsletter reflecting Estonian Open Air Museum news, events and programmes. You can opt-out of receiving the newsletter at any time, by sending an e-mail (info@evm.ee) or by clicking on the ‘Cancel Newsletter’ button at the end of the newsletter.

In connection with the ordered (paid) services, including educational programmes, excursions, children’s camps, rental of premises, birthday programmes, Christmas parties, etc., we only use the details provided to us in connection with the event in question and do not share those details with third parties. We only use the details collected within the framework of public events, including data related to pre-registration and the pre-sale of tickets, for the purpose of personal notifications related to a particular event and do not share those details with third parties.

Competitions for the filling of positions are organised and conducted by the Personnel Manager of the Estonian Open Air Museum. The organisation of a public competition is announced on the website of the Estonian Open Air Museum and via the respective portals. The Estonian Open Air Museum reserves the right to withdraw from an announced competition or to change the terms and conditions of a competition that has already been announced. In this case, we will inform the candidates using the contact details provided to us.

At the Estonian Open Air Museum, participants in the recruitment process examine the application documents. These documents and data will not be disclosed to third parties. In the recruitment process, the Estonian Open Air Museum may collect additional information about the candidate from public sources, the candidate has the right to examine the information obtained and submit their own explanations and objections.

We presume that the candidates have, in the application documents presented to their references, granted their consent to the answering of questions about themselves and that their references have agreed to be contacted in order to obtain information.

A proposal to take up a post will be made to a candidate whose education, work experience, knowledge, skills and personal characteristics meet the requirements established for the performance of the duties of the given position. If there is more than one suitable candidate, the final selection will be made by the recruitment team.

Participants in the competition will be informed of the results of the competition as soon as possible.

We preserve the documents received during the competition for the following purposes:

• to offer the post to the next candidate in the ranking;
• with the consent of the candidate, to make a proposal to participate in a competition to be held in the future.

The candidate’s details are restricted information that third parties can access only in cases provided by law.

You have the right to access the information that the Estonian Open Air Museum has collected about you: data and documents are released upon the submission of a request for information.

The data is confidential and is not subject to release by us to third parties.
With regard to any questions related to the processing of your personal data by the Estonian Open Air Museum, you will receive a response from the responsible data protection staff member at the address: personal@evm.ee

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