- Wedding
Example package for wedding ceremony and party.Simple and beautiful wedding ceremony with reception by the seaside or in the chapel with a chance of horse carriage ride.
The full experience. The day starts with horse and carriage ride to Sutlepa chapel (church wedding) or to any other place on the territory (civil wedding). The ceremony is followed by a walk to Sepa farm where the bride and groom can hammer a lucky nail for their home, with the help from our blacksmith. All important traditions are followed: the groom carries the bride over the doorstep, the bride tosses her bouquet and the guests bless the bride with grains. The dinner party with traditional Estonian dishes will be held at Kolu inn or by the seaside. The folk band plays some dance music and guests can sing jolly songs together.
Price comes together according to client's wishes.
Share Your dreams and let us make them come true!
- The bachelorette party in seto style
Every girl, especially the one at the age to be married has always considered handicraft skills to be an honourable thing. A hope chest full of mittens, waistbands, shirts and bands became filled before the wedding during the girls’ nights. At the twilight hours, the handicraft was done together while singing and telling stories.
Come with your girlfriends to have a pre-wedding bachelorette party! Let’s try the fancywork: braiding bands, making waistbands, Seto embroidery. We prepare a present – veimed – to the groom’s family. For refreshments we make tea in a samovar. We listen to stories about proposing to the woman and Seto wedding traditions.
Price comes together according to client's wishes.
In addition, it is possible to order pies or other Seto dishes from Kolu inn.
* The workshop is suitable for up to 12 people.